What is a Filipina?

What is a Filipina? A Filipina is a woman that is born and raised in the Philippines. It’s a Filipino, but, the letter “O” is replaced with “A”, to make it “Filipina“. Where did the word Filipina come from? Who Invented the word “Filipina“? Why there is a Filipina? Why use Filipina, instead of Filipino? Why Am I asking these stupid and nonsensical questions? I don’t know why… Just don’t ask me, I have nothing to answer…

Why am I talking about “Filipina“? What’s the catch? and oh… Why did I ask myself again, even if I know I have nothing to answer at all…? and again… I just don’t know why…

Maybe there is really a purpose why I am writing about Filipina, because everything has its own purpose. I’m trying to think about this profound purpose, but all I can think of is nothing. I’m trying to dig deeper and deeper into to very meaning and purpose of what I am writing right now… I’m squeezing my gray matter just to see what’s behind this “Filipina” thing that keeps on echoing inside of me… until then… I woke up, and realized that it’s all just a dream, thinking of that unthinkable purpose, hunting down all clues, deciphering all codes, just to solve this weird mystery that suddenly appeared in my mind a while ago from its unknown source.

A few seconds passed, a sudden idea vividly materialized in front of me. The very meaning and purpose why I am writing this article! Hahaha! Curious enough what is it??? then click here, to know more about this writing project. ^_^ That’s it! I was 0.0000001 micrometers away from the state of being paranoid trying to think of it, but finally… I have answered my own stupid question 🙂

So, let’s redifine the word “Filipina“. What really is a Filipina? A Filipina is one of the hidden wonders of this entire galaxy, every man in the universe wishes to languish with her company, they flow with the grace and aplomb of a running dear in a prairie, they are glamorous, beautiful, and with assets that are not acquired by any other women in the planet. They are strong, skilled, and talented. They strive to fulfill their dreams, they are kindhearted, they show respect to both young and old, they laugh, they cry, they triumph, they fail, but after facing all these hardships, they still stand up, and say that I’m a Filipina, I’m proud of where I came from, I’m proud of my country, I’m proud of being a Pinay, I’m proud to be a Filipino. 🙂 (Naks! pwede na kaya to? hehehe)

P.S.: 642-426, Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC) exam has association with the CCVP certification. 642-432, certification exam is linked with CCVP, Cisco IP Communication Support Specialist. 642-444, Cisco IP Telephony exam is very important certification exam to uphold the advanced strategies of telecommunication sectors. 642-453, the Gateway Gatekeeper, GWGK is related with 650-251 certification exam to enhance the professional expertise of IT professionals.

7 thoughts on “What is a Filipina?

  1. naku Filipina for me is Me! hahaha…Congratulations for the google money…I did not get mine yet but hopefully soon. TC always.

  2. Good luck, kabayan! I’ll try to write an entry too once I get my creative juices flowing. Cough! Cough! Cough!

  3. Hello Jehzeel. Thank you for joining the Filipina Writing Project. I would like to invite you to e-mail me an audio version of your entry so I can include it in our Filipina Writing Project podcast. Thank you.

  4. ooohh i definitely agree with you.. hehehe.. what better way to describe us.. 😀

    i’ll see you at the xmas eyeball, i guess? take care alwys dear!

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