It’s no secret that I’ve been thinking about my blog header lately. You all know that. In fact, I’ve asked for your opinions and comments. Some think it needs a minor revision, others deem it a masterpiece . Whatever position you took, I thank you all for the wonderful comments and suggestion. Cheers!
Now, some of you might ask “why bother with this little detail”. Let me tell you, it’s no minor detail. Blog headers are like company and product labels. It gives readers/ consumers a taste of what you have to offer. Blog headers, like labels, are important since it may act as a gateway or bridge that links the consumers to the world of the supplier. That’s right, impression are formed at the very first glance. So now you know the rationale, ask yourself this “What if Blog headers become product labels?” Cool right?! And that’s what I’ve been contemplating on right now.
So, if you guys are on the same level of frequency and serious about making your blog a label, I suggest you check out . Frontier Label is the true online leader of digital custom label and custom sticker printing. They make sleek labels and stickers awesome enough to flash it around. The formula and technology they use was carefully researched. Frontier Label investigated many methods of printing labels and stickers and found that most printing industry make use of offset printing equipment that proved costly. Thus small to medium clients, like me, cannot afford to buy attractive and top quality labels and stickers. At Frontier label, this is never a problem, as they are on 100% digital printer, offering the most advanced and greatest advantages to customers. They really want to help people discover the power of digital printing. Frontier labels’ prints are used in hundreds of different applications and their clients include companies from Fortune 100 to small entrepreneurs launching a new product.
The ability to shop for labels and stickers online is really great and I am impressed that Frontier labels can even provide instant quotation. Just fill in the specifics for your label and stickers and they give you instant quotation. They even guarantee that the price you see online is the real deal, no hidden fees or whatsoever. Oh, and the best part is, donates 10% of its profits to ministries whose goal is to make a difference in the lives of people in our community. Now that’s really cool!
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View Comments
awesome site huh? heehee... still ur header sucks :D
let's just say it's unique. =)
@romeo - hehehehe... thanks for the comment :P i know it sucks :P
@edward - yeah! it's unique.. bwahahahaa!
nice review for frontier labels huh? hehehehe
@anonymous - thanksssssssssss! hhhehehee :D
Hey check out this bolg: