Aftermath of Optimizing Keywords for Specific Regions

Optimizing keywords in specific countries will result to great traffic upsurge. That’s what I’ve noticed in my blog. I tried to optimize short keywords like NLE, MRS, HDB, HBO or SSS in, but it’s quite hard to reach the first page due to some global rivals racing to top for those 3-letter keywords. With the help of Google Trends, I found out that it’s not necessary to optimize one of my keywords in other countries, because that keyword brings great amount of traffic from one specific region only, and it’s the Philippines. Other countries are not searching for NLE, so why not optimize it in only.

As you can see in the screenshot below the keyword trend of NLE comes mostly from the Philippines, and only a few percentage from other countries. So take advantage of some NLE traffic, optimize it in only.
NLE Trends

After a series of keyword optimization, I reached the top spot, including my free hosted sites, respectively garnered the 3rd and 5th spot for the said keyword in Google Philippines’ SERP.
NLE Results

So, will this give me some visitors? Even if I don’t rank on International Datacenters? Obviously, it does. It delivers daily dose of unique visits to my blog. My daily unique visitors increased from 1000 to 2000+ per day. My Adsense earnings increased from $5.00 daily to $15.00 daily.

I know you’re now curious how to optimize your blog post or website in specific regions. It will bring you great traffic, at the same time increase your Adsense earnings by optimizing such keyword with lesser competitors in compared to

To optimize your keywords in specific regions only, you should build links in Philippine-based websites only.

How will you know if it’s from the Philippines? Even if the site is hosted outside the Philippines and its IP address is located in the US, UK or any other foreign countries.

One factor to determine a Philippine-based website is if its domain is [dot]ph. Hehehe. That’s one obvious element to determine the nationality of a certain website. The other one is the keyword density of the website. If it contains the word “Philippines” or other parts of the Philippines such as Davao, Manila, or Cebu, (or any other words, events, or products that is related in the Philippines) it’s more likely from the Philippines. Other factor is that the site’s traffic is mostly from the Philippines, you can check this data using The last factor that I know is if the IP address of the user that maintain and do frequent updates to a blog or a website originates from the Philippines. These are just a few factors that will increase your SERP rankings in a specific region such as the Philippines.

If you know other factors or techniques to optimize a page in specific regions, why not leave a comment and share what’s in your gray matter about this SEO stuff.

A screen shot of my increase in daily Adsense earnings:
CTR Increase

A screenshot of my Google Analytics unique visitors increase:
UV Increase

40 thoughts on “Aftermath of Optimizing Keywords for Specific Regions

  1. Pingback: SEO Tips : Optimizing Keyword in a Specific Region » Tech At Hand

  2. galing tlaga ni SEO prince!

    tnong ku lang, pnu mo na blend ng ganyan yung ads mo? nwala ung word na “Ads By Google”, pnu un?

    and one more thing, iba ung look ng navigation mo sa IE….

  3. hi there, maganda ang paliwanag mo anout optimization. i’ll try that. exchange links naman. at may tanong din ako, paano maglagay ng pages sa blog tulad nung sa’yo? ung may home affiliates, nlogmayes, etc. please answer at the cbox on my site. http;//, newbie lang kasi ako. have a nice day.

  4. Pingback: Pinoy Blogosphere Weekend Recap (03/16/08) |

  5. Pingback: links for 2008-03-16 « PinoyBlurker @

  6. Pingback: Pinoy Blurker » links for 2008-03-16

  7. @paul0 – hehehe.. may bug yan.. di ko nga mapalabas yung “Ads By Google”. Dunno why.. sa ibang blog naman lumalabas.. i think may prob sa domain.. pero may kita naman ako daily. .kaya pinabayaan ko lang.. hehe

  8. @work in dubai – thanks.. hehehehe

    @limferdi – hehehe.. nag iwan na ako ng comment sa blog mo with instructions.. hehe

    @phaelun – wow ka dyan.. wahehehe..

    @sylv3rblade – hehe.. yeah gawin mo… masaya yan.. mataas traffic heehee

    @ayel – hahaha SEO king ka dyan! toink!

    @Glenn – thanks Glenn 😀

  9. @marhgil – wahehehe.. hindi yan sa PRC-BER na traffic no 😛 higher pa sa PRC-BER.. pero wag ka na gawa.. kampihan mo nalang me.. wahahaha! mahirap na.. wahahaha!

  10. @jun – waaa master ka dyan.. toink!

    @limferdi – hehehe.. thanks.. wala me fans no.. waaaaa! mga nag cocomment lang yan kasi feel nila.. hehe

    @drei – waaaaaaaa! genius ka dyan! hehe

  11. first and foremost i would like to give thanks to nuffnang ads for knowing flair candy and thank you flair candy for pointing me to shoutout lounge and a very big thanks to shoutout lounge for leading me to this incredible blog….. syndicate this now and ctrl+D

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