Discover PHP5 with WAMP5 !

What’s that? if you don`t know what’s WAMP, it stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP! It’s a bundled open source, FREE server for PHP! I think, it’s better than appserv (the one that I am using on our LAN php powered dynamic database driven pages), – ang haba no?, but I havn’t tried it

History of Javascript

Javascript got its name from the Javascript Indians of south-central Florida. This tribe dabbled unsuccessfully in e-commerce in the late 1700s, and was later bought out by Netscape for a handful of beads, trinkets, and PEZ dispensers. Actually, Netscape developed Javascript in 1995 as a way for web server administrators to connect their servers to


Which one is better? Here are some definitions and specifications about the two “Meta” Languages. SGML – Short for Standard Generalized Markup Language, a system for organizing and tagging elements of a document. SGML was developed and standardized by the International Organization for Standards (ISO) in 1986. SGML itself does not specify any particular formatting;

First 3 frameworks of RoR

Just an information, to those who don’t know what are the 3 first frameworks of RoR (Ruby on Rails). There are hundreds or RoR frameworks from the time RoR was created by David Heinemeier Hansson. Here are the first 3 RoR Frameworks: Active RecordConnects business objects and database tables to create a persistable domain model

Flex-Ajax Bridge by Adobe Labs

What Is the Flex-Ajax Bridge? The Flex-Ajax Bridge (FABridge) is a small, unobtrusive library of code that you can insert into an Adobe® Flex™ application, a Flex component, or even an empty SWF file to expose it to scripting in the browser. It is being released to the community under an open source license. Where

Jehzeel’s Top 10 PHP Libraries

Here are my top 10 PHP libraries and its definitions. I hope this can help you with some PHP library research. 1. Lib2 PHP Library – A PHP library for session-based Web site authentication (and much more). 2. PHP-MySQL-Lib – An abstraction library for accessing MySQL databases from PHP. 3. dbSessions – Database storage handler

What is Coldfusion?

ColdFusion is an application server and software development framework used for the development of computer software in general, and dynamic web sites in particular. In this regard, ColdFusion is a similar product to Microsoft ASP.NET or Java Enterprise Edition. The primary feature of ColdFusion is its associated scripting language, ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), which compares