The Best and Most Memorable Blogger Event in the Philippines!

WordCamp Philippines 2008 is the best, most prestigious and most memorable blogger event in the Philippines so far! That’s what I think… and I do hope that you agree with me. Because if you don’t, use IE! Hahaha!

Bloggers Suck, Little Losers by David and Goliath Rocks!

Thanks to David and Goliath for giving us freebies: Stickers, Gift Certificates (Minimum of Php1000.00 GC each. Others had more than 1k Gift Certs.. arrrgghhh..! I should be there earlier than Ate Aileen, Kuya Migs and Miguel), Choking Hazard Toys and a Little Losers Paper Bag. Haha! Everyone was a loser, including me because I’m