Where to buy IOTA in the Philippines?
After Segwit2x was cancelled yesterday, people had been rushing to IOTA, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other coins. I received a lot of e-mails lately regarding where and how to buy IOTA using their US dollars and Philippine Pesos. For now, you cannot buy it directly using your fiat. You need to buy Bitcoin or Ethers first, send it to your BTC or ETH wallet on Bitfinex.com and place a buy order for MIOTA. IOTAs are being traded in MIOTAs, that’s why you’re seeing MIOTA in Bitfinex.
UPDATE: You can now buy MIOTAs at Binance. More exchanges coming soon. 😀
To know more about IOTA, just google it. Look for “What is IOTA?”, “IOTA vs Bitcoin”, “IOTA vs Ethereum”, or any keyword combination you can think of. You can also search for “Tangle vs Blockchain” if you want to dig deeper and understand the underlying technology behind IOTA. Also look for IOTA + the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine economy. You’ll read a lot of cool stuff. 🙂
walddd can you teach mehh! Im just getting started with this crypto thingy 🙂 think I wanted to learn more of IOTA rather than bitcoin lol but you tell me cos i always believe in you haha
hahahahaha… Add me sa Viber 0910-500-0000. 😀
hey buddy
found you from from cryptocompare
so what would you buy with $1000 today… ether, bitcoin, iota or cardano ?
thanks my friend
great input!