How to track IOTA prices in all exchanges in real-time
Are you tired opening multiple browsers to track the real-time prices of IOTA from different crypto exchanges? If you check or, their list of exchanges are not complete (yet). So you tend to open your browser, open Bitfinex, Binance, Coinone, Okex, Coinfalcon, and other exchanges to compare the current prices of IOTA.
Good thing we now have This website is, so far, the most complete guide to buy and sell IOTA, where to store your IOTAs, how to create a local IOTA wallet, how to generate a seed using Keepass, how to collect additional entropy, and everything you need to know about IOTA. You can also check the live IOTA stats in real-time. Transactions per second, market cap, transf/h (I actually don’t have a clue what is this), iota/sec (and this one as well), and all other stats related to IOTA.
PS: Also check out these interesting article about IOTA and why it will disrupt the blockchain industry.
hello jehz! thanks for sharing! bought my IOTAs na and will hold for yearsss!
Thanks for getting me onboard on this cryptotrain. Master J. 😉
Welcome! 😀 Bear market days nowadays. Time to by more. 😀